About Johannes
One and a half year as Executive Director of VALORĒS (Coastal Zones Research Institute in Shippagan, NB), managing a staff of 45 people and a yearly turnover of $3.5 million. The Institute puts science to work for the fishing, aquaculture, peat moss industries and environmental community projects, as well as having an accredited laboratory analysis service. www.valores.ca Continuing as Business Advisor at VALORĒS, 2018 to date.
Established Business Development agency, acting as Business Advisor on several projects. www.jslbizdev.com 2017 to date
Member of Springboard Atlantic Board of Directors (2 years)
Johannes Larsen was Innovation and Network Advisor for NRC – IRAP of Canada, Atlantic and Nunavut Region for 15 years. Responsible for coordinating the activities towards funding Not for Profit Organization, enabling them to assist Atlantic Small and Mid-sized Enterprises (SMEs) with Technical and Business advice! 2002 to 2017
Managed Budget of $3 to 5 Million a year for 50 Contribution Agreements for assisting SMEs with Advice.
Member of PEI BioAlliance Board of Directors (7 years)
Named one of Atlantic Canada’s Top 50 CEO’s for
2001, by Atlantic Business Magazine
Member of PEI BioAlliance Board of Directors. (7 years)
Member of SpringboardAtlantic Board of Directors (3 years)
Established and nurtured Angel Investor Network, attended European Angel Conferences EBAN, attended Canadian Angel Conferences NACO.
Developed and managed a significant special initiative “Canada Open House” incorporating International technology BtoB matchmaking in collaboration with DFAITD, visiting 35 Science parks in Scandinavia, Germany and the UK, Netherland and Belgium.

Presented the “Canada Open House” concept at the World Conference on Science and Technology Parks in Spain in 2007 (IASP).
North East USA Matchmaking initiative over several years working with Small Business Innovation Research program of the U.S. government’s Small Business Administration.
Supported Canada’s Arctic as a Member of IRAP Arctic Strategy group. Especially active in Nunavut establishing a strong Network and managing many very interesting initiatives.
Managed Miratech incubator from 1999 to 2002 in Miramichi, NB. Miratech was a high technology Entrepreneurial Centre, with special focus on SME’s in E-Learning and Multimedia and Gaming. Mentoring and assist establishment of star-up technology-oriented SME’s. Assisted in getting NRC to include its $25million E-Commerce Innovation Cluster in NB “Wireless Integrated Solutions for E-Commerce”.
Worked with West Penetone Inc. a manufacture of Cleaning Disinfection and Speciality Chemicals from 1992 to 1996 out of Montreal, Canada Area
Developed License agreements with Japan, Singapore (Indonesia, Malaysia), Taiwan, Australia
Established joint venture companies in Venezuela,
Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, Argentina; being on the Board of Directors of same.
Renegotiated European, Middle East licensee agreements.
Was VP Sales Europe Africa &Middle East for Avis Car Rental from 1978 – 1987 out of London, United Kingdom, after starting with Avis Canada as Sales Rep and Finished as VP of Sales for Europe Africa and Middle East.